A few days ago, photography of sportswear from several brands of Scandinavian manufacturers took place at my cottage. These were civilian, atmospheric shots, which were supposed to amplify the philosophy of which brand and the environment and props were chosen accordingly. We chose models of ordinary girls who do not live by modeling but are completely natural, they grew up and live in the Tatras, I play sports and such clothes are natural for them. Since they are in kindergarten, they also came with their children, so we took them together in some shots. The photo shoot lasted 7 hours and the atmosphere and mood hurt great. At times, I felt like it was a photography workshop that I could do for those interested in fashion photography, working with light and a model.

working width – refinement of bright light and sensitive illumination to maintain the atmosphere
atmosphere from planning an expedition in the style of Amundsen
working atmosphere as during the workshop at FOTOVÍKENDE
A team people with whom we spent a very nice 7 hours of work and fun